
Thursday, April 10, 2025

1 - 2:30 p.m

Grands Moulins Campus, Paris Cité University

Delusions, hallucinations and disorders in schizophrenia and psychoses

As part of Better understand psychiatry lecture series, Dr. Anton Iftimovici, psychiatrist and head of clinic at GHU Paris, will present the manifestations of disorders in schizophrenia and psychoses.

He will discuss the various known biological disturbances, and how they lead to progressive deviations in the way we perceive ourselves and our environment.

Manifestations of psychosis include delusions, hallucinations and a disorganized sense of self (that our thoughts are our own, or that our actions are our own). These symptoms often appear strange and incomprehensible.

And yet, there is no clear break with this normal state, but a continuum based on progressive alterations at several levels of our biological functioning, from genetics to brain activity, leading to abnormalities in the coding and processing of information.

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