Build a longitudinal cohort of patients with in-depth phenotyping
Coordinating investigator :
Pierre-Michel Llorca
Scientific directors :
Marion Leboyer
Marie-Odile Krebs
Coordinating institution :
French Minds, observational, multicenter cohort, deep-phenotyping, bipolar disorders, depression, schizophrenia, autism, transnosographical, electrophysiology, genomics, immunology, brain imaging, digital, environment, pathophysiology, comorbidity
- Budget : 42 M€
- Duration : 60 months
- Number : ANR-22-EXPR-0013
“French Minds” is a multicentric, observational, longitudinal and prospective cohort, open to collaboration. It includes patients with severe recurrent depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, first-episode psychosis or autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability. Its aim is to offer patients and controls a deep-phenotyping assessment in order to enrich current categorical diagnostic entities to develop more precise and objective diagnostic tools for precision psychiatry thanks to the identification of transnosographical stratification signatures and/or homogeneous subgroups of patients.
The cohort involves the collection of all relevant data to enrich diagnoses and identify targeted dimensions : clinical, socio-demographic, genetic, omic, immunological, electrophysiological, digital, imaging and environmental data on a large scale (2500 patients and 500 controls) who will be added to existing cohorts of 8000 patients.
These populations will then be segmented into sub-groups or dimensions, with common phenotypic and pathophysiological characteristics, for precise diagnosis and targeted therapeutic interventions.
With the support of the Fondation FondaMental, the cohort mobilizes the network of Expert Centers, centers in the PsyCARE hospital-university research program (RHU) network and the CIC (Clinical Investigation Center) network.
The clinical trial protocol was designed to be aligned with other international cohort of patients with mental disorders aiming at the development of precision psychiatry. Analysis of uni and multimodal data generated by this trial will enable to respond to current psychiatric issues, such as :
– The heterogeneous nature of current diagnostic categories,
– The variability in response to treatment,
– The search for objective, measurable and quantifiable biomarkers of diagnostic entities,
– the search for mechanisms to explain co-morbid somatic disorders,
– The development of new mechanisms-based therapies.
CEA, Fondation FondaMental, Henri Mondor University Hospital