Jointly led by Inserm and CNRS, with the support of the Fondation FondaMental and the network of expert centers, the program brings together the key players in French research, including CEA, Institut Pasteur, universities and university hospitals.

APHP, partenaire du projet

AP-HP groups together 38 hospitals and 25 emergency services in the Île-de-France region. It is involved in the inclusion of patients in the French Minds cohort.

AP-HP Mondor, partenaire du projet

Henri Mondor University Hospital coordinates 4 expert centers and recruits controls for its CIC. It is responsible for the biobank of the French Minds cohort.

Fondation FondaMental is a scientific cooperation foundation focused on improving the diagnosis, understanding and treatment of patients suffering from mental illness. It promotes personalized, multidisciplinary management of psychiatric disorders. It is a privileged partner of the program and promoter of the French Minds cohort. It also plays a major role in WP 4, coordinating the Mental Hub project.

INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) proposes, through research, innovation and support for public policy, new directions for the emergence of sustainable agricultural and food systems. It is piloting a major national cohort, called French Gut, and is involved in microbiota analyses of participants in the French Minds cohort.

Bordeaux University is a partner in the program, piloting two projects: eD-PROPSY (with Sanpsy laboratory) and EDU (with NutriNeuro laboratory).

Paris Cité University is a partner in the IMPACT animal model project.

CEA, partenaire du projet

CEA is a key player in scientific and technological research. The teams and research centers involved in the project are CATI (Centre d’Acquisition et de Traitement d’Images pour la maladie d’Alzheimer), CNRGH (Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine), MétaboHUB and NeuroSpin.

Lille University Hospital participates in the inclusion of patients and controls. It studies 1st psychotic episodes at the Lille RHU Center. It participates in the targeted UNREHAL project.

Paris GHU coordinates the PsyCARE RHU and participates in the French Minds cohort, for the inclusion of patients suffering from 1st psychotic episodes.

Mindig is an R&D company specializing in high-density EEG (electroencephalogram) decoding. It creates innovative methods aimed at understanding the human brain and finding new solutions for neurological disorders, in a transdiagnostic approach. Mindig is contributing its expertise to the targeted EEG-MIND project.

Lille University is the scientific coordinator of the UNREHAL project.

Paris-Est Créteil University is coordinator of the PUMA and IMPACT projects, with teams from U955-IMRB and LISA UMR CNRS 7583.

CHU Besançon, partenaire du projet

Besançon University Hospital is taking part in the project through its CIC (Clinical Investigation Center). It includes patients, controls and coordinates the targeted STIMaiTDeP project.

Tours CHRU is involved in the project via its CIC, and is recruiting controls and patients with resistant depression.


Ineris (National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) mission is to contribute to the prevention of risks to the health and safety of people, property and the environment. It is a partner in the PUMA project, and is involved in the development of indoor air pollution sensors.

Université Aix Marseille, partenaire du projet

Aix-Marseille University is a partner in the T4MINDS project.

Lorraine University will play a major role in destigmatizing psychiatry, particularly during medical studies. Financial support will be given to The Move and the Mood program, an active and fun way of learning about the psychiatric clinical examination.