
Launched on July 18, 2022, PROPSY precision psychiatry exploratory research program is led by Inserm and CNRS, with support from the Fondation FondaMental. It has a budget of €80 million over 7 years, allocated as part of the France 2030 investment plan. The scientific director is Professor Marion Leboyer, and the ANR is the operator on behalf of the French government. Thirteen targeted projects have been selected for funding. They will be supplemented by calls for projects, operated by the ANR or Inserm.

Latest news

Manifestations of disorders in schizophrenia and psychoses

On April 10, Dr Anton Iftimovici will present the various biological disturbances leading to progressive deviations.

ECNP New Frontiers Meeting 2025

Take part in the ECNP New Frontiers Meeting in Nice, on the theme of “Targeting neural circuits in psychiatry”.

School of Translational Neuroscience Research

The Translational Neuroscience Research School will be held from March 13 to 16, 2025, on Neurodevelopmental Disorders.


Cohort French Minds

To develop a more precise and personalized approach of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for mental disorders.


Provide the French Minds cohort with a digital solution, capable of evaluating patients throughout their follow-up.


Examine the link between urbanicity, air pollution and psychiatric disorders.


Study the impact of air pollution on brain development, particularly in psychiatric terms.


Developing therapies to combat disruptive brain development.


Exploring a new therapeutic approach for schizophrenia patients, suffering from persistent auditory hallucinations.


Exploring a new personalized approach to treat depression.


Exploring a digital therapy for depressive and bipolar disorders.

Pilot CICs in psychiatry

Develop a pilot structure model, which will serve as a basis for an extended network of psychiatric research teams.


Measuring brain activity in psychiatric disorders.

Mental Hub

Bringing communities together and building ecosystems, to meet the needs of precision psychiatry.


Create and validate transnosographic Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs).


Educate, inspire and destigmatize mental health.